The Secret Ingredients To Getting Prepared FAST
Oh that slice of cake looks sooooo good.

But before you dive into that mouth watering slice of heaven.

You need to know something about the ingredients used to make it....
You see, baking such a delicious cake is only possible IF you have the right ingredients. 

If you try to bake a cake like this without the right ingredients, you get this…

…a big ugly pile…
And you know what else you need all the right ingredients for… prepare for what's coming… if you don't have all ingredients, you end up fragile to the future - no matter how hard you try.

Because it takes 3 key ingredients to build a life resilient to the unknowable future.

You can spend your entire life savings purchasing every new survival product, and it won't matter.

These OTHER products only give you 1 of the 3 ingredients. Without the other 2, you’ll never get the progress you crave.

And it's even worse than THAT…

After buying a new survival product or guide, you're less able to spend money on essential supplies. You know, the stuff that actually makes you more resilient!

So the truth is, the survival products you've bought in the past make it harder to achieve REAL success.

And the creators of these products are OK with that. They want you to remain fearful, anxious, and nervous because FEAR sells.

A terrified customer buys more often and pays a higher price.
So the last thing they want is to give you the other 2 ingredients that’ll give you lasting peace of mind.

Because if you make actual progress, you become LESS anxious and LESS fearful, AND LESS valuable to them.

And that's why you feel like you’re on a treadmill and can never get ahead.

Perhaps you've even blamed yourself and figured you must be doing something wrong.

But that's a lie—you're NOT the problem.

The REAL problem is no one's bothered to tell about the 2 missing ingredients. That all.

Because out of all thousands of survival products I've seen over the years, not one has ALL 3s.
Instead, they just give you 1… and honestly, that’s the least valuable ingredient.

Most survival products only give you INFORMATION. But information is not enough.
dInstead, they just give you 1… and honestly, that’s the least valuable ingredient.

Most survival products only give you INFORMATION. But information is not enough.

I mean, if MORE information were the answer, we'd all have luxurious underground bunkers stocked from floor to ceiling with food, water, and meds, right?
Yes, information is 1 of the key ingredients, but you can get nearly all the information you want for FREE online.

Blog posts, videos, and survival forums are chock full of information. Info coming out of our ears…Heck, it feels like we're all drowning in a sea of MORE information.
So what are the 2 ingredients you're missing? I'll tell you shortly, but first, I want you to know who I am and why you should trust what I'm saying…

Hey, I'm Jack, and I'm a co-founder of and, and I’ve been helping thousands of people since 2013 get prepared (and get more resilient) to the future.
I mean, investigating future threats is what I’ve done for years, such as:
  • Long Term Power Outages Due To Storms
  • Food and Supply Chain Disruptions
  • ​Droughts and Food Shortages
  • ​Major Financial Collapses
  • Out Of Control Wildfires
  • ​Civil Urest, Riots & Wars
Yeah, pretty much any future chaos.

Because we all know the future will have it’s Ups and Downs, that’s just a FACT of life, right?

But it’s also a FACT that NO ONE can predict the future.

When you stop to think about it… it's frightening and overwhelming.

It feels like we're tied to the railroad tracks with a train barreling down on us. Horn blaring, lights flashing, wheels screeching, and there's NOTHING you can I can do about it…

How do I overcome these feelings of dread and raise a family in such troubled times with grace, love, and patience?

Well, I discovered the secret is to focus on what I CAN control and leave the rest to God.
But now, DON’T miss understand, THAT's NOT the same as DOING NOTHING…

Instead, it's knowing with absolute clarity the difference between what you CAN CONTROL and what you CANNOT.

And doing the stuff that's is WITHIN YOUR CONTROL is THE ANTIDOTE to overcoming Fear and Anxiety. And once you know this, you can take MASSIVE action.

And ACTION is an Anxiety Destroyer!
So, if you agree with me that ‘Hell-on-earth’ is coming… And there's nothing we can't do to stop it, what can you do about it?

Well, you must baton down the hatches, raise your tower walls, and properly arm yourself against the future of chaos because it is coming for us all, and you bloody well be prepared.

But again, you don't need MORE information. You need the two missing ingredients.

So are you ready to hear what they are? The two things missing from nearly all survival products?

     1) A Roadmap and
     2) Accountability

To find success, you need a trusted guide. Someone not hiding in the shadows. Someone willing to show their face on camera.
And someone who knows how to take the mountain of information out there and distill it down into bite-sized chunks.

You need someone who motivates you to get off your butt, roll up your sleeves and finally make good on some of the promises you've made.

You DON’T need another book collecting dust; you DON’T need another half-read guide you never get around to finishing.
NOPE, you need to act. Now. That's why... 

I want to invite you to my upcoming 
30-Day Prepper Challenge.
Join The 30 Day Prepper Challenge Today
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 Each challenge will be delivered to your inbox
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 Proven roadmap
It's a product I built from the ground up and has all 3 ingredients.

1. It's got the RIGHT information

2. Delivered in a way that's EASY to consume

3. and most importantly, it has the ACCOUNTABILITY you need to finally make good on your goals

Again, I've been doing this for a LONG TIME. Through my websites, and, I've spent countless hours helping millions of people get more prepared.

So, I know what the Hell I'm talking about.

I also know everyone is at a different stage on their preparedness journey. Some folks are just starting, while others are well on their way.

So no matter where you're adt, the 30-Day Prepper Challenge was designed to help you get MORE prepared.
I created each Challenge with 2 options:

1. Basic

2. Advanced

The Basic Challenge is for anyone new, and the Advanced is for those who are more seasoned.

The Basic Challenge gets a solid foundation. It focuses on meaningful, achievable actions to build confidence and earn peace of mind FAST.

And the Advance Challenges will level up anyone looking to step up their resiliency game.
And here is what's really cool. You can take this Challenge and then…TAKE IT AGAIN, and the TAKE IT AGAIN! as often as you'd like. Why?

Because it's created in such a way to level you up from where you start.

You can take it, get better, retake it, and then get even better.

It's like a ratchet designed to move only in one direction – each time you take it, YOU improve.

So it's NOT something that collects dust or gets buried in an old computer file...

It's an asset you can add to your survival toolbox, and you’ll reuse it over and over to meet your preparedness goals in record time.

And here's what I really love about the 30-Day Prepper Challenge – it includes "Budget-Friendly Suggestions" throughout.
I know times are tough, and financial resources can be hard to come by.

But I don't want THAT to stop you from taking action. In nearly every Challenge, I share Budget-Friendly Tips for those who are cash-strapped.

Sure, these "cheaper" alternatives are not as good as my core recommendations. But they are way better than doing nothing.

And one last thing, if for any reason, you don't get results and don't become more prepared in 30 days, we have a no-questions-asked 60-day money-back guarantee.

Now, this program is so good, to date, non of my students have taken me up on this offer.

But it's important to me to offer YOU rock-solid peace of mind knowing the money you're investment in the 30-Day Prepper Challenge will pay off in results, or you’re going to get your money back!

Heck, I'm even willing to eat the credit card fees.
So, now's the time to finally make progress on your resiliency goals. To join thousands of other like-minded folks (just like you) on this journey to becoming the best, most prepared version of yourself.

Only then can you take comfort in knowing you've done everything within YOUR control to Prepare, Adapt & and Overcome the dreadful future that's headed your way…

But hurry while there's still time, because this product launches soon so DON’T Miss Out…
Click the button below right now to sign up 
for my 30 Day Prepper Challenge...
Join The 30 Day Prepper Challenge Today
 Get more prepared in 30 days, or your money back
 Each challenge will be delivered to your inbox
 Access to a private community
 Proven roadmap
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If you have any questions and/or concerns about the 30 Day Prepper Challenge, please don't hesitate to email me.
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